How to set up a custom OpenAI-compatible Server in BoltAI

BoltAI supports a custom OpenAI-compatible Server such as an OpenAI proxy server, LocalAI or LM Studio Local Inference Servers.

Recommended Solution: Ollama

Ollama is a tool that helps us run large language models on our local machine and makes experimentation more accessible.

Follow this guide to install and use Ollama in BoltAI:

OpenAI-compatible server

There are a couple of options to run a local OpenAI-compatible server.

1. LM Studio

The easiest way to do this is to use LM Studio. Follow this guide by Ingrid Stevens to start.

👉 Running a Local OpenAI-Compatible Mixtral Server with LM Studio

2. LocalAI

LocalAI is another option if you're comfortable with docker and building it yourself. Follow their guide here:

👉 LocalAI Build Instruction

How to use it in BoltAI

Go to Settings > Models, click the (+) button and choose "OpenAI-compatible Server"

Fill the form and click "Save Changes"

Set up local LLMs on macOS

  1. Give it a friendly name.
  2. Enter the exact url for the chat completions endpoint. For LM Studio, the default is http://localhost:1234/v1/chat/completions
  3. (Optional) Enter the model id. This will be sent with each chat request (the params model in OpenAI API spec)
  4. Enter the context length of this model. You need to refer to the original model to find this configuration. In LM Studio, find the "Context Length" configuration on the right pane.
  5. Enable streaming if the server supports it

Click "Save Changes".

IMPORTANT: if you don't intend to use OpenAI, make sure to set this as default (6)

Set up local LLMs on macOS

How to use AI Command with a custom server

This feature is still in beta. Please reach out if you run into any issue.

To use AI Command with a custom server, make sure you set it as the default AI service (screenshot below)

Set up local LLMs on macOS

If you are new here, BoltAI is a native macOS app that allows you to access ChatGPT inside any app. Download now.