Run by a human

You're in good company.

🌳 Established

BoltAI is not just another AI wrapper. Started in 2023, BoltAI has received 99 updates. We keep it up to date, listen to your feedback and constantly improve the product.

🚀 Bootstrapped & Profitable

BoltAI is a bootstrapped indie product built and run by Daniel Nguyen. We don't over-hire or under-charge. We run at a sustainable profit to ensure the longevity of our business. Your success is our success.

💪 VC-Free

Proudly self-funded and under no one's thumb. This means we make decisions with our customers in mind, not our investors.

🔒 You Own Your Data

All your chats and configurations are stored in your local machine. Your API keys are stored securely in Apple Keychain. We do not collect, store or analyze your data.

🤓 Support From Real Humans

We don't use AI chatbot software. Real people answering your live chats and tickets, helping with installs and integrations. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

👨‍💻 Always Building

We're builders at heart. We're always building, improving and working on helping you stay ahead in the AI era.

Thank you for choosing BoltAI and for supporting indie products. Daniel Nguyen

Last updated

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