How to use Anthropic Claude on macOS with BoltAI

What is Anthropic

Anthropic PBC is an American artificial intelligence startup company, founded by former members of OpenAI. Anthropic has developed a family of large language models named Claude.

As of July 2023, Anthropic had raised US$1.5 billion in funding.

How to obtain an Anthropic Claude API Key

To obtain an Anthropic Claude API key, you must first create an Anthropic account. Once you have created an account, you can go to your account dashboard and click on the "API Keys" tab.

From here, you can click on the "Create Key" button to generate a new API key.

How to use Anthropic Claude on macOS with BoltAI

Once you got your API Key ready, setting it up in BoltAI is simple: Go to Settings > Models, click (+) button and choose "Anthropic"

  1. Give it a friendly name.

  2. Enter the API key

  3. Set the default model.

  4. Click Save Changes

You can optionally set it as the default AI service in BoltAI.

You should be able to start a chat with Anthropic now:

Last updated