Your First Chat

First Contact™

The Chat UI is really simple. If you can use ChatGPT, you can use BoltAI Chat.

Send your first message

  1. Click "Change" to choose the right AI model

  2. Choose a predefined message from the library OR

  3. Enter your message (Use Option + Return or Shift + Return for new line)

  4. Alternatively, you can click the "waveform" button (4) for voice chat (requires OpenAI API key)

BoltAI Chat UI

  1. Main chat input field

  2. Attach images to use with a Vision model (other file types coming soon)

  3. Voice chat

  4. Message action: text-to-speech, copy, delete and more...

  5. Advanced configuration: system instruction, context limit, plugins and other advanced GPT parameters

  6. Chat history search

→ Learn more about the Chat UI

Last updated